Sunday, November 28, 2010

I search 8th blog

The history of German soccer is one of the longest around, but had one of the hardest times getting it the way it is now. German soccer was shook up by political factors surrounding the country, but still it emerged as one of the greatest in Europe. Before an official national team being formed, Germany had several amateur and semi-professional clubs playing in regional championships. Some selections from these teams were made at the beginning of the 20th century. The Germans weren’t to good in their early stages of playing soccer. They mostly played the English and almost every game was a complete lose. A national team was formed in 1908, but it was still lacking coordination and professionalism compared to the English side and the most conclusive example was the match between the two countries in 1909, which ended with a 9-0 victory that is still marked as the most severe one in the history of German soccer. With the two World Wars centering on the country, German soccer history has a large gap as most sportive activities were suspended. Between the wars, Germany managed to get together a good team for the 1934 World Cup. After things settled down a bit, the history of German soccer came back on its tracks and Germany started becoming a power in the game, especially through its national team. After that soccer only got better in germany as it became more organized and less interrupted by politics and war. 

1 comment:

  1. How did soccer make it into Germany? was it brought by someone from another country? It might be interesting to think about the way that soccer migrated. How did it spread? where did it come from originally?
