Sunday, November 14, 2010

I search fourth blog

Italy as every one knows has a great soccer program and soccer is very popular in their country. They have won 4 world cups only one win behind the leading team Brazil. Now why is soccer so popular there? Writer Jacob Campeau said, “Soccer in Italy is more than just a sport. It is religion. Soccer is just as much as Italian as pasta, wine, or vespas. It is interwoven into national history and is one of the few things that all Italians can agree on.” I couldn’t have said it any better my self, not many countries in the world have there defining moments and what everybody sees them as in sports. It may not seam that big to you, but it is, soccer in Italy is nothing short of a religion or way of life. “Every Italian could tell you a story about their youth, and most likely it would involve soccer. Fond child hood memories revisited might evoke images of school kids congregating on the local soccer pitch, where they would play for hours until the sun went down, and often into the darkness of night, as they searched for that elusive final goal.” Soccer has played apart in every person life in some way in Italy, you couldn't say that about any sport in the U.S.     


  1. Interesting, but you still seem stuck on the general level. See my comments on your previous post. You need to start finding facts, too.

  2. would you say in italy soccer is more apart of the culture than other countries?

  3. why is it more apart of culture than it is in other countries?
