Sunday, November 14, 2010

I search third Blog

Brazil, when you think of Brazil the thought of soccer fallows close behind considering how popular it is there and how good they are at it. This country has won five   world cups they have the most titles in the world. Brazil has been playing soccer for about 110 years about the same as Argentina, why is it so popular there. In Brazil Soccer is not just a sport; it’s a way of life, a passion that unites the whole country. When the national soccer team is playing, it does not matter if you’re poor or rich, live in the city or in the country, everyone stops to cheer their national soccer team. It helps unite their country and the people in it and it helps to have a team worth cheering for. Soccer in Brazil does all the same key things for the country as it does for Argentina, I wonder if this is a trend threw out South America. I will have to research more South American countries and find out. Soccer is a very helpful countries and I hope to find more articles about how soccer has helped other countries as well.          


  1. As you continue this research, see if you can find more facts about the countries. How many teams do they have? what leagues? how is the sport supported?

  2. it seems like unification is a common theme
