Wednesday, January 5, 2011

story #1

I got on the step coach and took a good hard look around me to make sure there weren’t any enemies in the area. I noticed a man sitting in the back a bus. He was werin all black and real raged clothes. He gave me a little smirk that seamed to say, how pitiful. I went to put my lugged in the back near him so I could get a better look at this man. I was going to out my lugged up and my boot caught the edge of some ones seat and I went tumbling down and hit the ground hard like a man who had gotten bucked off his horse. When I hit the ground I realized a bit oh the mans calve was shown and he had the skull and cross bones branded into his skin. This is the mark of my enemy’s clan. I looked up at him and he was pointing a gun straight at my head. I yelled out, “don't shoot.” But I knew he would so swept his legs out from under him, but he shot me in the leg. I yelled but recuperated quick enough to take his gun. I didn't waste any time, I was in pain; so I shot him right in the chest and he was dead in one shot.

story #2

I walked into the press conference room with thoughts racing threw my head. I had to decide whether to stay with the cav’s or go to the heat. If I stayed with cav’s I would just be doing what every one wants. Should I go to the heat just because I will have a better chance of winning? If I go to the heat every one will hate me, why do I care? I want to win but I am still not quite sure. Maybe I should just go and except my role as the villain. Do I really owe it to the cav’s to stay and play with them? Will I just be abandoning them leaving them with nothing? I can’t just think about others I have to do what’s right for me not for them. But these are still my friends, my fans, and my city I have to take them into consideration. I saw my coach standing up on the stage waiting for me. I stepped up on to the stage where I would do my interview to announce where I would go. My shoelace got caught on the step and I took a dive right in front of every one. I looked up at my coach and asked,” what should I do?”      

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

250 word second draft

It was an average routine morning. I woke up at 6:00 o’clock on the dot by my father. Then, as always I drag my self out of bed and walk straight to the shower. Once I have taken a shower I am completely woken up almost like drinking a cup of coffee. Then I go back down stairs to pack my things for school then wait on the couch until 6:40 when my mother comes to tell me we are going. I get into the car and can already feel an angry vibe coming from my mom, but I just ignore it. She rudely demands I put my seat belt on. I try to avoid conflict so I do it right away and try thinking of any other possible things she could yell at me for so I can correct it before she notices, but there is nothing. She hears the click of the belt and we are off. I daze off for quite some time all the way till we get to the roadery in JP right after the Franklin Park Golf cores. We are about to go around the roadery and a person in a black SUV decides to cut off my mom; bad move. My mom slams the brakes on and beeps at the person for several seconds then she speeds up and takes him on, and cuts him off, and gives him the death stair as I call it when we go by. But this person is even more stubborn than my mom. He cuts us off again. I tell my mom “calm down” but she wont listen, she yells at me, “you always take any ones side but your mothers, tell him to calm down.” I should have seen that coming its her favorite line, and how could I even tell him to calm down I am not in the car with him. She tries cutting him off again and he slams into us. I am thrown from the car and instantly knocked out. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital 24 hours later. My parent were standing over me. And all I say is, “I told you to calm down.”     

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

250 word story

            It was an average routine morning. I woke up at 6:00 o’clock on the dot by my father. Then, as always I drag my self out of bed and walk straight to the shower. Once I have taken a shower I am completely woken up almost like drinking a cup of coffee. Then I go back down stairs to pack my things for school then wait on the couch until 6:40 when my mother comes to tell me we are going. I get into the car and can already feel an angry vibe coming from my mom, but I just ignore it. When ever my mom gets angry she always bosses me around so she rudely demands I put my seat belt on. She hears the click and we are off. I daze off for quite some time all the way till we get to the roadery in JP right after the Franklin Park Golf cores. We are about to go around the roadery and a person in a black SUV designed to cut off my mom; bad move. My mom slams the brakes on and beeps at the person for several seconds then she speeds up and takes him on cuts him off, and gives him the death stair as I call it when we go by. But this person is even more stubborn than my mom. He cuts us off again. I tell my mom to calm down but she wont listen she tries cutting him off again and he slams into us. I am thrown from the car instantly knocked out. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital with my parent standing over me. And all I say is, “I told you to calm down.”      

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I search 8th blog

The history of German soccer is one of the longest around, but had one of the hardest times getting it the way it is now. German soccer was shook up by political factors surrounding the country, but still it emerged as one of the greatest in Europe. Before an official national team being formed, Germany had several amateur and semi-professional clubs playing in regional championships. Some selections from these teams were made at the beginning of the 20th century. The Germans weren’t to good in their early stages of playing soccer. They mostly played the English and almost every game was a complete lose. A national team was formed in 1908, but it was still lacking coordination and professionalism compared to the English side and the most conclusive example was the match between the two countries in 1909, which ended with a 9-0 victory that is still marked as the most severe one in the history of German soccer. With the two World Wars centering on the country, German soccer history has a large gap as most sportive activities were suspended. Between the wars, Germany managed to get together a good team for the 1934 World Cup. After things settled down a bit, the history of German soccer came back on its tracks and Germany started becoming a power in the game, especially through its national team. After that soccer only got better in germany as it became more organized and less interrupted by politics and war. 

I search seventh blog

Spain is one of the top soccer playing countries in the world and also one the 2010 fifa world cup, but lets take a closer look at the history of the sport in this country. Following the example of the English, who formed their soccer organization in 1863, Spain set foot to creating one of their own, which was named the Royal Spanish Football Federation in 1909. In 1927, as soccer started growing on the international level, with the newly formed FIFA planning the first World Cup, Jose Maria Acha came up with the idea to create a national league in Spain, with all the top teams of the local championships. It took almost 1 year to settle all the details of this national league, but in 1928 the first La Liga tournament was finally played. 10 teams were picked to star in this league. Most of them were previous winners of the Copa del Rey, the Spanish Cup. These clubs that went on to write the history of Spanish soccer were FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Arenas Club de Getxo, Real Union, Real Sociedad, Athletic Bilbao, Atletico Aviacion (Atletico Madrid), RCD Espanyol, CE Europa and Racing Santander. These are the most famous Spanish soccer teams, and they all contributed to make soccer the thriving sport it is in spain.

I search sixth blog

The passion for soccer in Mexico started to bloom a few years prior to the first World Cup in 1930, with a professional championship being formed and the first national selection in the history of Mexican soccer history occurring in 1927. Most people know Mexican soccer as just the fast pace always excited and talking announcers that say gooooooooooooaaaaaaaalllll! When ever a team scores. The first ever international match in Mexico was played against Guatemala on their home ground and won 3 to 2 and it looked like they would have a bright start. But they had no foundation, as Mexico had one of the poorest World Cups in the entire Mexican soccer history in 1930, finishing last in the group stage, with nothing but losses. After that world cup a very poor period emerged in the history of Mexican soccer, on both local and international levels. Participating in 5 World Cups before 1970, Mexican soccer history recorded a single win in these tournaments, with the Central American team beating Czechoslovakia 3-1 in 1962. Mexican soccer witnessed a slow ascendance, with better conditions for kids and professional soccer players, and with a great passion for the game. With that the Mexican soccer league got much better with children growing up playing more organized soccer and they are now a great soccer playing country.