Wednesday, January 5, 2011

story #2

I walked into the press conference room with thoughts racing threw my head. I had to decide whether to stay with the cav’s or go to the heat. If I stayed with cav’s I would just be doing what every one wants. Should I go to the heat just because I will have a better chance of winning? If I go to the heat every one will hate me, why do I care? I want to win but I am still not quite sure. Maybe I should just go and except my role as the villain. Do I really owe it to the cav’s to stay and play with them? Will I just be abandoning them leaving them with nothing? I can’t just think about others I have to do what’s right for me not for them. But these are still my friends, my fans, and my city I have to take them into consideration. I saw my coach standing up on the stage waiting for me. I stepped up on to the stage where I would do my interview to announce where I would go. My shoelace got caught on the step and I took a dive right in front of every one. I looked up at my coach and asked,” what should I do?”      


  1. Memoir! You've cut this one pretty short (how come?), so it doesn't yet become a story. but you can clearly do more with it. Whenever possible, try to be more descriptive. What are things like in the room? what details catch his eye? what sounds? what smells? Help us be in this moment.

  2. I liked how you included the reader into the story. It's like he's directly talking to me, and it's my job to help him out. I would love to find out which team the character ended up playing for. Nice job!
