Tuesday, December 21, 2010

250 word second draft

It was an average routine morning. I woke up at 6:00 o’clock on the dot by my father. Then, as always I drag my self out of bed and walk straight to the shower. Once I have taken a shower I am completely woken up almost like drinking a cup of coffee. Then I go back down stairs to pack my things for school then wait on the couch until 6:40 when my mother comes to tell me we are going. I get into the car and can already feel an angry vibe coming from my mom, but I just ignore it. She rudely demands I put my seat belt on. I try to avoid conflict so I do it right away and try thinking of any other possible things she could yell at me for so I can correct it before she notices, but there is nothing. She hears the click of the belt and we are off. I daze off for quite some time all the way till we get to the roadery in JP right after the Franklin Park Golf cores. We are about to go around the roadery and a person in a black SUV decides to cut off my mom; bad move. My mom slams the brakes on and beeps at the person for several seconds then she speeds up and takes him on, and cuts him off, and gives him the death stair as I call it when we go by. But this person is even more stubborn than my mom. He cuts us off again. I tell my mom “calm down” but she wont listen, she yells at me, “you always take any ones side but your mothers, tell him to calm down.” I should have seen that coming its her favorite line, and how could I even tell him to calm down I am not in the car with him. She tries cutting him off again and he slams into us. I am thrown from the car and instantly knocked out. Next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital 24 hours later. My parent were standing over me. And all I say is, “I told you to calm down.”     

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading the things you added. It makes the story much more interesting. Good work!
