Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spain at Scotland

There are two games that are going to be played tomorrow in-group C (the group I have been fallowing) of the Champions League. It is going to be the Rangers of Scotland against Valencia of Spain and also Manchester United of England against Bursaspor of Turkey whom I have already talked about. In this post I will talk about the Rangers and Valencia. The game will take place in Glasgow in Scotland; this place actually has a history with one of the players on Valencia. The players name is Cesar Sanchez and he is the Goalkeeper for Spain. Last time he was in Scotland 8 years ago, though it wasn't against the rangers, he played fantastic and also received a Champions league Winners metal. So you can see why he would have fond memories of this place and now tomorrow he is hoping for another successful outcome during this trip. Cesar Sanchez even said him self, “I have good memories of this place.” In this group Valencia still lies only a point behind their opponents for tomorrow. The Rangers have 4 points so far in this Champions League and Valencia only has three. On another note Manchester United of England has 4 points so far as well and Bursaspor remains scoreless, so England and Scotland are tied for first, Spain is in second, and Turkey is in last for there group. Goalkeeper Cesar Sanchez says that tomorrow him and his teammates have to embrace the game rather than allowing it to diminish there powers. He said that, “the atmosphere of this place is incredible and it's a special place to play in.” He also added, "We have come here to get a good result and make life as easy as possible. It's another big game for us and we are ready, but we must also be careful. “This competition is like a sprint. If you make a mistake in the group stage, you may not have the chance to put it right”." Well that's all for todays blog post my next post will be about what happens in these to games that are happening tomorrow.         

1 comment:

  1. Where are you watching these games? (and how are you finding time to watch?) Seems like you're really enjoying this topic and have found out a ton about it. Do you play soccer at BHS? You're getting me excited about the outcomes of games that involve teams I know nothing about!
