Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rangers and Valencia

I have been waiting for this match up for a long time; these are two of my favorite teams. That's why it disappoints me to say this game ended at a tie 1-1. I was really hoping we would get a winner out of this one but neither team really stepped up and played there best. For this game I was really rooting for the rangers of Scotland to win. I have always liked this team because they are all very fast players and I enjoy watching how they use their speed to their advantage in every aspect of the game. This team also has one of my favorite strikers, Kenny Miller. Ok onto the game. The first 15 minutes the Rangers were playing vary defensive. Valencia was on the ball about 90% of this time. What would happen is Valencia would keep the ball for a while trying to create a scoring opportunity but the Rangers would always get the ball back before they could score. Although they would get the ball back they would give it away again and then Valencia would keep it for a while to try and create a scoring chance but no good chances were being made, and it repeated this for the first 15 minutes. After this there was a dramatic change in the way Scotland was playing, all of the sudden they were attacking like crazy. They went from no shots taken in 15 minutes to 5 very close shots taken in only 4 minutes and now they were on the ball for most of the time in the next ten minutes. Out of these 5 shots there were 2 outrageously close ones. One of them was when one of the players on Scotland chipped the ball over the head of a Spanish player to one of his team mates then it was a one on one with the goalie and the striker and the striker dove forward with his legs to shot the ball as the goalie was running towards the ball and he kicked the ball right into the goalie’s chest. Next was almost the same situation one of the players on Scotland crossed the ball to his team mate in the goalie box and he tried heading it in but the ball hit the post and the goalie was there to clear the ball. After a few more chances in the 33rd-minute of the game the rangers were lining up for a corner. The player on Scotland kicked the ball with perfect accuracy and power into the middle of the goalie box and the goalie of Valencia jumped to grab it and a player of Scotland went to head for the goal and the player of Scotland met the ball with his head and launched it into the back of the net making it 1-0 Scotland. The rest of the half was scoreless thus going into half time 1-0 Rangers. At half time the total shots from the Rangers were 10 and shots from Valencia was 12. There was only one yellow card that was awarded to a player on Scotland and there were 0 red cards. In the next half within the first 40 seconds of the half there was a goal for Valencia making the game tied. There was a free kick for Valencia and the player kicked the ball into the box to his teammate who headed the ball in right passed the goalie. In the rest of the game no really good opportunities were created it was more just defensive and the score remained 1-1.                


  1. Sounds like a great game, despite the fact that it ended in a draw. Your description reminds me of what you were writing about in your paper. Unlike some other sports, these soccer games have a lot of action that goes on for a long time without ever creating points. Defense is key, and scoring attempts can occur infrequently. In baseball, when it's a low scoring game, at least there's some drama about whether the pitcher will get a no-hitter or a one-hitter or a shut out. It's very different in soccer.


  2. who is valencia going to play next?
