Wednesday, January 5, 2011

story #1

I got on the step coach and took a good hard look around me to make sure there weren’t any enemies in the area. I noticed a man sitting in the back a bus. He was werin all black and real raged clothes. He gave me a little smirk that seamed to say, how pitiful. I went to put my lugged in the back near him so I could get a better look at this man. I was going to out my lugged up and my boot caught the edge of some ones seat and I went tumbling down and hit the ground hard like a man who had gotten bucked off his horse. When I hit the ground I realized a bit oh the mans calve was shown and he had the skull and cross bones branded into his skin. This is the mark of my enemy’s clan. I looked up at him and he was pointing a gun straight at my head. I yelled out, “don't shoot.” But I knew he would so swept his legs out from under him, but he shot me in the leg. I yelled but recuperated quick enough to take his gun. I didn't waste any time, I was in pain; so I shot him right in the chest and he was dead in one shot.

story #2

I walked into the press conference room with thoughts racing threw my head. I had to decide whether to stay with the cav’s or go to the heat. If I stayed with cav’s I would just be doing what every one wants. Should I go to the heat just because I will have a better chance of winning? If I go to the heat every one will hate me, why do I care? I want to win but I am still not quite sure. Maybe I should just go and except my role as the villain. Do I really owe it to the cav’s to stay and play with them? Will I just be abandoning them leaving them with nothing? I can’t just think about others I have to do what’s right for me not for them. But these are still my friends, my fans, and my city I have to take them into consideration. I saw my coach standing up on the stage waiting for me. I stepped up on to the stage where I would do my interview to announce where I would go. My shoelace got caught on the step and I took a dive right in front of every one. I looked up at my coach and asked,” what should I do?”